Yutaka Tanaka(田中 裕)    Facebook      Blog    Japanese

男, 座る, 横たわる, 女性 が含まれている画像


Professor Emeritus of Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
President of the Japan Society for Process Studies
Director of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
Director of Nishida Philosophy Association
Director of St. Gregory House (Institute for Religious Music)


Records of Lectures

Papers in Enflish

Open Lectures at Sophia University

Lectures at the Japan Society for Philosophy of Science  
Lectures at the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies

Art and Life Poetics of Place Literature of Resurrected Life



From Paradox to RealityEssays for Science and Religion

WhiteheadAdventurers of modern thoughts

Kodansha, Tokyo, 1998 Chinese Translation 河北教育出版社,2000

Lectures at the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesPDF)

On Nature and Grace  
Personal and Impaersonal characteristics of the Absolute – the coincidence of the most personal with the most universal
The Philosophy of Nothingness and Christianity
Creativity of Absolute Nothingness and the Contradictory Self-Identity : From Nishida’s Philosophy to Theology of Historical Process

Lecture in Memory of the late Tokiyuki Nobuhara-Sensei

Video Evangeric theology of Nothingness and inter-religious dialogue2021/6/28Distributed DocumentsPDF 

Lecture at the Nishida Kitaro Museum of Philosophy

Meanings of Coincidentia Oppositorum―Reading “Collected Lectures of Nishida Kitaro”(edited by Yutaka Tanaka)(2023/3/30


(readable in English)

Nothingness and Creativity-Towards an Integral Philosophy of Creative Transformation (for Key-Note Address at the 11th International Whitehead Conference at the University of Azores)PDF

Hayathology and Whitehead's Process Philosophy   PDF

Irreversibility and Reciprocity in the Divine-Human Relationship

The Principle of Relativity and Process Cosmology PDF

The Problem of the Indeterminate Past in Quantum Physics and Whitehead's Epochal Theory of Time    PDF

Bell's Theorem and the Theory of Relativity

Einstein and Whitehead

Process Philosophy and Modern Physics

Aristotelian Ontology and Modal Syllogistic Reconstructed  PDF


Lecture at the Fuculty of Humanities,Sophia University

Enquiry into the wisdom of Creative Coexistence(2013-9-16) PDF

Open Lectures on Philosophical Logic (video records of 14 lectures 2013 Spring) Sophia University OCW
These Lectures are also available at  Youtube

The last lecture at the Philosophical Faculty of Sophia University
Creativity in the Place of Nothingness

Papers and Lectures of Philosophy of Science

Aristotle’s View of Geometry in comparison with Plato, Proclus and Euclid1982年「科学哲学」第15号)PDF

Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Correlation and Bell’s Theorem (「科学基礎論研究」、19巻3号、1989PDF

Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Colleration and the Theory of Relativity(「科学基礎論研究」194号、1990PDF

The meaning of Relativity Lecture at the Symposium commemorating the 100thAnniversary of the Theory of Relativity at TokyoUniversity2005/12/3PDF

Papers and lectures of Philosophy of Religion

The Form of the Formless, the Voice of the Voiceless-Japanese Spirituality and Christianity
Lecture at the Sophia Philosophical Society, 2012
Nishida’s Philosophy and Christianity
Lecture at the Institute of Christian Culture, Sophia University 2012
Science-Religion-Philosophy:Tanabe Hajime’s Philosophy of Science and Religion

Lecture at the Japan Society of PhilosophyTokyo University 1997)

Nothingness and Creativity -Toward an Integral Philosophy of Creative Transformation (2017) YouTube 

Plenary Address at International Whitehead Conference 2017 at Portugal

Art and Life

(power point file 24MB 2024
627日韓国茶文化学会online 講演用)

Sophia-R 2022年キリスト教文化研究所紀要 PDF 882KB


桃李歌壇Website of Touri-Kadan for co-creating Japanese traditional linked poems and Haiku

場所の詩学 PDF 

Poetics of Place and the Art of Creative Intersubjectivity
Open Lecture at the First Annual Meeting of Nishida Philosophical Society

いのちの重みー復生の文学・生命と医療の倫理 Website

The Weight of Life : Literature of Resurrected Life and Ethics of Life and Medical Healing

「小さき声」の復刻: Website of “Small Silent Voice”: Records of Kaoru Matsumoto’s Missionary of Non-Church Faith and Practice

東條耿一著作集: Website of Catholic Poet, Koichi Tojyo

復生の文学―詩人東條耿一とキリスト教 PDF
Literature of Resurrected Life
Proceedings of the Institute of Christian Culture, Sophia University, 2010

Lectures at the St. Gregorys House

細川ガラシャの殉教音楽劇の歴史的背景 PDF


YouTube ビデオ・ストリーム)


ビデオ資料1−1:細川ガラシアの時代の典礼音楽ーその1- 1


ビデオ資料1−2:細川ガラシアの時代の典礼音楽ーその1- 2


ビデオ資料1-3: 細川ガラシャの時代の典礼音楽―その1-


Mulier Fortis 公演実行委員会企画 
YouTube 配信





講義資料PDF 講義録画2011/2/18YOUTUBE限定配信